Tuesday 13 December 2011

To Fur or Not to Fur?

 {Ushanka from H&M}

That is the question. Wearing an Ushanka (aka. a fur hat with ear flaps) obviously is well known in the freezing climates such as Russia but its ventured its way into the North American culture and I'm not talking Nunuvut. Besides the fact that it makes your head like 10 sizes bigger than it really is, it does keep your noggin quite toasty. Does that mean this fashion trend should be donned by the best of us? I think that is for you to decide. After trying on handfuls of Ushanka's this weekend wondering if this fashion trend was for me, I decided better of it. My head is big enough already and my hair is kind of my pride and joy, so slipping it into a full fledged faux fur Russian hat is not my idea of a good time. Also, for the fact that I do not look like Miranda Kerr in this hat makes it a litter harder for me to bare. For those that choose to fur.... hats off to you ;)

 {Miranda Kerr}

{are you in there?}
Unless you are a Rockefeller and don't mind spending thousands on a real fur Ushanka, I recommend hitting up H&M, The Gap or even Forever 21 for a cheap yet chic fur topper.

 {The Gap - $39.95}

Also, for a side note... they also call Ushanka's - Troopers. Why? I don't know... all I can think about is when they do their Russian dance, cross their arms and kick out their feet bouncing from side to side. Am I alone in this?


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